Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Cat. A poem by me. :3

"My Cat"
by hakU

I love my cat.
It differs from a rat!
It meows and jumps,
I remember the camps.

We play in the sun,
My cat moves its tail and runs.
I really love my cat.
Oh, it's cute and fat.

When I am broke,
We play by that tree of oak.
I really really like,
My cat. So we bike.

I took my cat out.
Oh, my cat why pout?
I think he's sick.
Oh, I'll go go get some milk

Even my cat's gone,
I'll never forget the fun.
Memories you and I had,
I'm happy to have you as my bud.

Dedicated to JessieBoo (our loving cat, who passed away a long time ago)
I miss our cat...

Feeling happy :)

[Peace] is the highest and most strenuous act of the soul, but an entirely harmonious act, in which all our powers and affections are blending in a beautiful proportion, and sustain and perfect one another. It is more than the silence after storms. It is as the concord of all melodious sounds ... an alliance of love with all beings, a sympathy with all that is pure and happy, a surrender of every separate will and interest, a participation of the spirit and life of the universe.... This is peace, and the true happiness of [humanity]
- William Ellery Channing