Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Cat. A poem by me. :3

"My Cat"
by hakU

I love my cat.
It differs from a rat!
It meows and jumps,
I remember the camps.

We play in the sun,
My cat moves its tail and runs.
I really love my cat.
Oh, it's cute and fat.

When I am broke,
We play by that tree of oak.
I really really like,
My cat. So we bike.

I took my cat out.
Oh, my cat why pout?
I think he's sick.
Oh, I'll go go get some milk

Even my cat's gone,
I'll never forget the fun.
Memories you and I had,
I'm happy to have you as my bud.

Dedicated to JessieBoo (our loving cat, who passed away a long time ago)
I miss our cat...

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