Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"To Confused Feelings and A Confession"

 "To Confused Feelings and A Confession"
 Haku Matsudaira

Everytime I see you
I get this feeling of confusion
It's something new
I don't know if it's a kind of depression

I (just) keep on looking at you
Hoping that you wouldn't know
I'm trying to hide what I'm feeling
My heart just keeps on beating

Vanishing all doubts in my mind
Removing all worrries from my hand
I started to get ready into doing something
Never really had I expected into doing

A feeling of happiness came in to me,
Cause your look of confusion, and shock
With what I told before you, and your luck
I wanted to look normal, but I couldn't be the normal me.

Now, we're still friends.
I'm thankful for you, not bringing it into an end.
I still adore you, and still am looking at you.
But now I know what I'm feeling is true.


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