Friday, March 9, 2012

"Special Feelings For A Friend"

"Special Feelings For A Friend"
Haku Matsudaira

            It was a nice, and cold Monday night. It was also, already past eleven. Dylan Cera was busy typing his English project. He was wearing a nice blue t-shirt, and his jersey shorts. His friend, Katherine gave him the shirt. He thought of her for a while, her confession, their moments together, and he smiled to himself.
            Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He did not notice it at first, for he was so busy typing, and he had his earphones on to full blast music. He just noticed it when he was about to get the bag of potato chips, that was in his bedside table. Dylan, answered it, curious of who made him a call, on such a time at night.
            "Hello?", Dylan asked his caller.
            "Hi Dilly!", the female voice shrieked.
            "Hello? Who's this calling, please?", Dylan answered in an irritated voice.
            "You don't remember me anymore, Dilly? We used to be friends, and I really, really like you! I even think that I already love you! Duh!", said his caller.
            Dylan made several guesses of who his caller was. After a lot of incorrect guesses, he decided to give up.
            "Okay. I give up. I can't remember who you are. I'm so sorry, but you caught me in the middle of making my project. Hmm. Will you call me back later? Or maybe, you could just leave me your phone number, so I can call you back.", Dylan said in a stressed out, irritated, and tired tone.
            "Omo. Omo. Omo! I'm so sorry, ne~. Did I bother you? Did I make you mad? Did you get irritated? Omo. Omo. Ne~ Maybe, I'll just call you back later. I don't want to bother you anymore, ne~", the unknown female caller said.
            It seemed that she will be bursting into tears in any minute. Dylan was bothered by his caller's emotions. He did not know how to respond properly into such action.
            "Hey! Wait! Don't hang up!", he shouted at the receiver of his cell phone.
            "Why? I'll just call you later. I don't want to be a bother.", said the caller, who was already crying.
            "Please, Katherine. I was just kidding. Of course, I still remember you. Now, don't cry.", he said in a gentle, calm, and soothing voice.
            "How did you know it was me? A while ago you can't even remember me, but now..", she said in an amazed, and somehow shaky voice.
            "Of course, I remember you. Hmm. How are you?", he asked, while he sits into a more comfortable sitting position.
            "I'm fine. Hmm.", she mumbled.
            "So, why did you call? Do you need something? Seemed a long time ago, when you last called me.", he said, trying to make conversation with Katherine.
            "Hmm. I don't need anything. I just wanted to hear your voice, and I also wanted to say that..", Katherine's voice drifted away.
            Dylan smiled, and thought of what he could start a topic with Katherine.
            "Hey. I'm wearing the shirt you gave me. Do they have this in pink?", he said, even attempting to be funny.
            "Hmm. I guess so? Do you hate the color? I thought you like blue.", she said, sounding a little worried.
            "Yeah. I was just curious. Hey. I loved this shirt you gave me. Thank you, Katherine."
            "Don't worry about it. It's nothing. Hmm."
            "Hmm?", Dylan wondered.
            "Hmm. I love you, Dylan.", Katherine said frankly.
            "I love you, too Katherine.", Dylan said in a cool, and soothing voice. You know that he's honest, and sincere with what he's feeling.
            "What? Are you kidding me? Or am I only dreaming? I'm drunk you know.", Katherine said, then she suddenly burst into laughter.
            "Oh. Are you? Oh, well, it won't change what I'm feeling for you anyway.", he said, ignoring Katherine's laughter.
            "Wow. I mean it. Wow. You have feelings for me now, too? Oh, that's cool. I thought, I was the only one who had feelings. That this feeling is unrequited.", she said with a snort.
            "Hmm. We should probably talk about this tomorrow, personally at school. I mean you're drunk, and all that. This won't probably be the best time to talk about this, Katie.", he answered, using his nickname for Katherine.
            Katherine has given time to think about this thought, before she answered Dylan.
            "Sure. You're probably right. Hey. By the way, I'm not really drunk. I've just had a few shots, that's all. Plain, and honest to you, sir.", she answered after some time.
            "Sure. I'll be there by eight in the morning. Don't be late, okay? We're going to be biking."
            "I'm too lazy to get my fat ass ride my bike. Let's just walk instead.", Katherine said lazily.
            "No. You're gonna ride with me towards school. Tomorrow, at eight. Get up early. Okay? We'll figure out things, straighten up the sheets, and talk everything through. Okay? Katie?", he said in an authoritative voice.
            "Ohh. Okay. Hmm. One last favor before I go to sleep?", she said in a cutesy, begging voice.
            "Wear that cologne I like tomorrow. I want to smell you with that scent on. Is it okay? Is it too much?", she asked, in a slightly worried tone.
            "Katie. Relax. Sure. I'll do it."
            "You forgot something.", Katie mumbled.
            "What is it?"
            "I love you, Dylan."
            "I love you too, Katie."
            After that both hang up on their cell phones. Tomorrow they'll be deciding on what to do with their friendship, and with their feelings for one another. Tomorrow is a new chapter.

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