Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Proof that the blogger is awesome (LOL)

So somebody tweeted me, and said I was awesome. LOL. I forgot when was this? Mehehehe.
/narcissism. >:D
Peace yo guys!! ^^v 

I think that the title for this post, kinda not fits this post. But I hope you'll read it anyways. Thank you!! ^^v

I was just so happy that someone I don't know personally said this to me. You know for me, that growing up and puberty is hard. Most said that I was weird, and some people said that I wouldn't make it. That I'm not awesome. That I'm so weird, I have my own planet. That I'm ugly. That I'm fat like a pig. How dare I call myself a panda, when in reality they said I'm a pig. (I know I'm kinda chubby. Lol.) Some people said I'm stupid, and some said really hurtful things. Some said it indirectly, some said it through text messages, or through online. Some just show in their actions that they hate me.

At first, I was really hurt. I cried a lot, and I thought that maybe I really am what they said about me. I thought that maybe it was better if I died. It was really hard.
But thanks to some really awesome people, like my family, and friends, who always are there for me, I thought otherwise. Their words really encouraged me. I started to believe in myself again. I believe the people who really believe in me.

A lot of teenagers who are going through a really tough time, kill themselves. That's the sad truth in reality. How I pity those kids, who have no one to talk to. Nobody helped them. They thought that nobody believed in them.

I realized that suicide is not the answer.
It never solves anything.
We must always think positive. ^^v

So, I really did my best. Up to this date, I am doing my best to be exactly the opposite of what people said that I am, or that I will be.
I'm using their words of hate, or of discouragement for me to become a much better person. I use it as a challenge. To contribute to the world, and to other people of course. :)

Remember, some people are just really judgmental and mean. Some are just jealous. There are people who will really bring you down. We must not be brought down by their discouraging words. We must do our best to show that every people is unique. We must not become one of them, who just says really mean things to others. We must also understand those people. Maybe they are going through something really bad, and that is their way of coping. I know, what they're doing is bad, but let us just understand them. We must pray for them, or even try to help them, even in a small way.

You guys, wanna know why I try my best to help other people who are down? Who are going through a rough time? Because I don't want them to feel helpless. I don't want them to feel that they're alone.

So, I also want to say thank you to all the people who believe in me. I'm just really happy that other people thought of me as the opposite of all those negative things they said. :)
Thank you!!

Feel free to tweet me, guys! Thanks!! :)
I will tweet you back. If you need help, or if you're coping up with something, I will do my best to help. ^^v Or even if you're just bored and want to talk to someone, you guys can tweet to me in my Twitter account. :)

Here's my Twitter account guys!!


  1. hey! its jessica... from omegle! i love your blog and this one post i found really inspirational. keep up the good work :)

  2. Omg! Thanks, Jessica! >:D< I will, I will! I hope you keep reading my blog, and keep getting updates! :)
