Sunday, December 23, 2012

My first Tumblr photo edit

My first Tumblr photo edit

So I edited this yesterday. Haha. Ikr? :))
I did this out of boredom, and I kinda wanted to post something that I edited. Like Tumblr style. Do you get what I want to say? Lol. I'm kinda having difficulty in saying stuff, that I really mean, and others perceive it differently. I mean, they don't actually get what I want to say. Get it?
I think I'm kinda loopy lately. Sorry. Lol.
I don't know what to quote, like "Love is blind.", or "Love is not blind, it sees but it doesn't mind.", and whatever, so I just got this line, from a song lyrics.
It's not my first time to edit a picture. But this is the first time I edited a photo, typed and quoted one of my favorite bands' lyrics, and post it online. Lol.
I was also the one who took this photo! So hurray for me, I guess? :)

I hope you guys like it. :)
So, I just wanted to share. Thanks! :)
PS: It's a line from one of Pierce The Veil's songs. ^__________^
I'm a fan! (Obviously?!) And Pierce The Veil is a really awesome band. \mm/

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