Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jeremy Woodward replied to my tweet!

Jeremy Woodward replied to my tweet last 14th of November!
I'm sharing this, not to be boastful about it, but because it really made me happy. It really cheered me up! I was feeling down that time, but it was good that even though we are not close, he replied to my tweet. He's kinda well-known in our school, and that's pretty awesome. :)
I admit that I like him. Who wouldn't? He has the looks, the height, he's a varsity player, he's half-British, and he's cute! Hey, don't hate me. Lol. I said these things (all are true. :P), but I don't like him in a romantic way. I like him more in the friendlier way, or side. I think that's how you put it? I dunno. Lol.

Lol. Hey! Tweet me, guys!
Thanks! :)

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